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The McMenamin brothers desired a facility that is reminiscent of the historic Pioneer Inn in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. Even the grounds surrounding the building have a tropical feel. The facility incorporates a brewery, restaurant and gift shop on the ground floor; 40 guest rooms and meeting space on the second and third floors; and a bar with an outdoor viewing/dining deck overlooking the Columbia River on the 4th floor. Materials were used that gave the appearance of an historical building yet with methods that meet modern building codes. A separate log cabin micropub was constructed several hundred feet from the main hotel-restaurant facility.

mcmenamins inn exterior - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants mcmenamins inn exterior 4 - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants mcmenamins inn exterior 5 - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants mcmenamins inn exterior 2 - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants mcmenamins inn exterior 3 - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants mcmenamins inn interior - architectural services firm longview wa designs hotels restaurants

Contact Collins Architectural Group, P.S.